Thursday, November 1, 2012

Scope Your Project!

Disney bought Lucasfilm for 4 BILLION DOLLARS. That proves their most prophetic quote in their most important movie, Spaceballs:

“So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.”

Since you're not dumb – which you proved by knowing all about Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham’s Johari Window – you want to use a scope document when creating your Qlikview apps. The template outline below will make it easy and help you gather the pieces you need for success. You can also download a MarketStar-branded version from my Google Drive.


This is a short overview of Qlikview project. Include target audience, data sources, goals, questions to be answered, risks, and high level timeline. Use this section as an Executive Overview. Make sure that it can be used as an ‘elevator pitch’.

Business Need

Detail the purpose of the Qlikview app, such as managing the business, managing employees, reporting replacement, or dashboard. Describe why it is what it is:
  • “The Qlikview app is meant for managers to monitor employee performance, not to forecast future sales”
  • “The Qlikview app is meant to highlight Pipeline performance in order to help forecast sales”
  • “The Qlikview app is meant to correlate Field Marketing activity and sales performance”
  • “The Qlikview app is meant as a self-service reporting replacement"


Detail the expected results of the Qlikview app, including items such as replacing ad hoc reporting, increasing sales activity, identifying opportunities. Include sample decisions and actions that could be taken by using the Qlikview app. Possible examples:
  • Increase the number of managed territories
  • Reduce cost per sale
  • Optimize the visit schedule of the FSRs
  • Close more opportunities base on an analysis of the activity details


End Users

Describe the people that will use the Qlikview app. Executives, Managers, Front Line Reps, and/or Customers; include End User expectations and use cases:
  • Sales reps will use the Qlikview app to help individual stores manage inventory. A typical example is a rep seeing that the location is low on ‘widget A’ and informs the manager that it is time to re-order stock.
  • Managers will use the Qlikview app to monitor rep activity. A typical example is a manager notices that a rep has only made two visits by Thursday and is able to make contact to understand the lack of activity.


Describe the people that will develop both the script and front end. Possible examples:
  • Designer who develops the Qlikview app
  • Data specialist who writes queries, QVDs or QV scripts
  • Developer who programs automated data feeds

Data Stewards

Describe the people that are responsible for the data that feeds the Qlikview app. Possible examples:
  • Project manager
  • BIA analyst
  • 3rd party tools

Current Status

Current Reporting

Include descriptions and examples of current reporting; include client feelings on current reporting, both good and bad. Possible examples:
  • Reporting Service report details quarterly sales by partner by product group. The report is effective at showing the reps and managers a snapshot of their partners’ sales at the time the report is run. However, the report is difficult to use for ‘what-ifs’. It is distributed via Excel and not locked. End users can inadvertently change the data.
  • Data is exported from the CRM and the user pivots the data and creates charts and graphs for PowerPoint presentations. The process is time consuming and error prone, but users feel that they are empowered. 
  • Reps keep notes in various ways and report successes and challenges to their managers. Managers then compile and report to senior management.
  • Current Dashboards
  • Include descriptions and examples of current dashboards; include client feelings on current dashboard, both good and bad. Possible examples:
  • Excel-based dashboard that is maintained by sales management. 
  • PowerPoint is used as a ‘dashboard replacement’ due to technical limitations.
  • No dashboard in use.

Current Process

Describe current process of collecting and distributing data; include client feelings on current processes, both good and bad.

Current Time Frames for Reporting

List and describe. Include client requests and any reasons that the timeline may be different from the request.

Current Data Sources

List and describe the data and how it is consumed. Possible examples:
  • PartnerDynamics is used as the CRM to collect partner information and record rep activities
  • Big Box Store data cube houses sales data down to the SKU level, by day

Current Data Connections/Links

List and describe.


Describe fiscal calendar. Possible examples:
  • Year start
  • Year end
  • First day of week
  • # of weeks in year
  • Split weeks

Detail whether the fiscal or Gregorian calendar will be used in the Qlikview app.

Reporting Requirements

Client Access

Who will have access to the Qlikview app?
  • Names and titles of licensees
  • Section access (data and layout accessibility)

Information Inputs

List and describe the data inputs that are required for the Qlikview app.
  • Identify the currently available data inputs
  • Identify any new data inputs that are needed

Data Sources

List and describe any data sources that will feed the Qlikview app. Possible examples:
  • SQL server databases
  • Excel
  • Data warehouse

Identify which sources exist currently and which are new. If a new data source requires a large amount of work (e.g. new data warehouse), include a supplemental scope.


List and describe groups and hierarchies that will be used for drill-downs. Be sure to investigate and describe possible problems with hierarchies such as rep rolling up to multiple stores. Possible examples:
  • Date drill-down: Year>Quarter>Month but does not include week or day
  • Geographical drill-down: Area>Territory>Store but it may not equate to rep drill-down because a rep may report up through different stores or territories
  • Employee drill-down: Area Sales Manager>Territory Sales Manager>Sales Rep

Other hierarchies or cyclic groups may be needed to make the Qlikview app functional.


Describe types of presentation that will be included in the Qlikview app; include sample images. Possible examples:
  • Cross Table showing sales by Team and Product Type
    1. ‘Team’ includes Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast
    2. ‘Product Type’ is at the product group level
  • Bar chart comparing Number of Activities by Region
    1. ‘Number of Activities’ is a count of visits to retail locations
    2. ‘Region’ is based on the ‘Region’ field in PartnerDynamics
  • Gauge showing quota attainment:
    1. Under 85% -- Red
    2. 86% to 99% -- Yellow
    3. Over 100% -- Green

Scenarios/ “What-ifs”

Describe possible scenarios that the end user will use in their data discovery. Possible examples:
  • A Sales Manager is examining handset sales and notices that typical accessory sales are low for a particular model. She then looks at other models to see if the discovery is a trend or an anomaly for that particular model.
  • Typical sales increase at 5% month over month when a field sales rep makes 20 visits per week. All else being equal, where would growth be if the FSR made 25 visits per week?
  • If we typically sell an extra ink cartridge with each printer, where would my sales be if the FSR also added paper on 25% of the sales?


List and describe. Outline any differences that may be used on different tabs of the Qlikview app. Possible examples:
  • ‘Fiscal Year’ will include FY2010 to present
  • ‘Team’ is based on the ‘Region’ field in; null values will be represented as ‘Other’
  • Relative Calendar Timeframes
    1. YTD
    2. Previous YTD
    3. QTD
    4. Previous QTD
    5. Last Week
    6. Last Quarter

Look and Feel

Templates should be used. Include Client logos and colors to be used in individual Qlikview objects.


What platforms will they use to access the Qlikview app?
  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Phone

Describe differences in resolution, data limitations, and access for the different platforms.

Project Requirements

Detail milestones, phases, end dates; be sure to revise scope document if time line changes. Use this space for a short overview.

List of Components

List the various components needed to complete the Qlikview app. Possible examples:
  • Access requirements to data sources
  • Current data sources
  • New data sources
  • New data input tools
  • Logos, colors
  • Current report examples

Potential Roadblocks/Risks

List and describe any potential roadblocks and risks. Continue to revise scope document as roadblocks are overcome or new roadblocks or risks arise.

Roles and Responsibilities

List and describe:
  • Client
  • Management
  • BIA Analyst/Designer
  • Developer


  • Client
  • Client Services Manager
  • Designer
  • Developer
  • BIA Manager
  • IT Manager

Individual projects may have a different list of signatures. Be sure to include anyone that will have authority to make changes to your project.

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