Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Label Expressions

This tip won't bring any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness. So you got that goin' for you, which is nice.

Some peculiarities really annoy me. This is one of them...

Qlikview allows dynamic labels using expressions. So, when we have a table or chart that displays a rolling six months, the labels update with the data. This expression shows Mar 2012:

     =MinString({$<[TimeFrame.RelativeFiscalMonth] = {'Current Month - 6'}>} Calendar.MonthYear)

The problem is that a long, possibly very complicated, expression shows up in the Properties lists.

You promote and demote, then you apply and look at the object to make sure that the expressions are in the right order. Then you do it again and again until you finally get it right.

But with Qlikview, there's probably a better way and it's not documented anywhere. (QlikTech! You need to get better with your documentation!) Simply start your expression with a comment that clearly describes the expression.

     =//Current Month - 7
       MinString({$<[TimeFrame.RelativeFiscalMonth] = {'Current Month - 7'}>} Calendar.MonthYear)

Magic! Now you can see what you're doing.

Big hitter, the Lama.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you didn't put square brackets around your field [Calendar.MonthYear] like you've harped on us to do... Other than that, awesome tip!
