Friday, August 3, 2012

$ Sign on your Axis

I don’t know how many times I’ve been asked how to put a $ sign next to the figures on the y-axis. My answer has always been the same: you can only label the axis, not the values.

My rule of thumb: Never mess with a Sicilian when death is on the line. My other rule of thumb, probably more appropriate in this situation: ‘No’ most likely means ‘Not yet’.

I finally found out that it’s shockingly easy to add that pesky $ sign, though it’s also quirky and doesn’t behave exactly how you would expect.

Go to the Axis tab on your chart properties and enter values (or expressions) for Static Min, Static Max and Static Step:

Make sure your data is formatted for Money and, BAM, $ signs next to your values on the y-axis:

JUST DON’T PUT VALUES ON END POINTS AND ON THE Y-AXIS!!! If you do, I get to go all Catholic school on you and hit your knuckles with a ruler. And not one of these new-fangled plastic rulers. It’s going to be made out good old American hardwood. The kind of ruler with the brass straight edge.

The ‘gotchya’ is that the $ sign only appears (at least for me) IF you have something filtered. If you clear filters, it goes away.

I have no idea why this works and can't find any more documentation that a single post in the Qlikview Community. But it does (sort of ) work.

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