Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Missed it by that much...

You've built a beautiful chart. Removed the Caption Bar, because we all know those are ugly. You changed the Title Settings to Divider, Left Justified. It's so beautiful that you want to copy it and use it with another metric. Just Ctrl-click and drag, but you missed the border by that much...

Try 99 times Agent 86, but you're too shaky. You should have had the small Red Bull, not the big one. That crosshair just won't stay on the border!

What to do? So simple you don't even have to click through to suffer through more bad jokes...

Just hold down Ctrl+Alt while you click and drag. You can click anywhere on the object. You can have the big Red Bull and not worry about the shakes. I wish I would have known about this a couple of years ago.