Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Why didn't I know about ColorBrewer?

There wasn't much to do. All the bowling alleys had been wrecked. So’s I spent most of my time looking for beer. And ways to kill all of the bright colors in your apps. With kindness.

Then the folks over at EagerEyes.Org put together a really good post on rainbows and (I think) unicorns. Did you know that unicorns poop mini marshmallows? And not the plain ones, the colorful ones. Then they casually threw out the quote:

"Everybody in visualization knows ColorBrewer. Everybody. It’s almost silly to link to it again here, because it’s so widely known."

I didn't know about it! And we all know that I'm not just anybody. I'm obviously not everybody. But apparently I'm almost silly.

So, here it is. It's the easiest to use that I've found. :

But more importantly, you want to know how to WRECK a movie, eh? Take a jar of months into the theater, eh and let .. and then like uh release them at a point in the movie when you know what’s going to happen, eh and then all of the moths will fly up to the projection booth window and cloud it up and you can demand your money back.