Tuesday, February 11, 2014

No Dumb Buttons

Oh, this your button, huh? A lovely button. Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity.

Listen... do you smell something? Maybe that since my last post, Kill the Button, that I'm on a button jihad? Calm down... how about a Fresca? I'm just trying to get you to stop making crappy* stuff. But this isn't about that, because you already know how to make a button a 'link'. This is a technique I learned from a post by Steve Dark. When you're using your button (link) to show/hide the Current Selections, tell the user if there's nothing selected.

Step One - Read Kill the Button

Make your button (link) that shows and hides the Current Selection box.

Step Two - Change the Text

Instead of simply displaying either 'Show Current Selections' or 'Hide Current Selections', tell the user if nothing is selected:
=If(Len(GetCurrentSelections()) = 0, 'No Current Selections',
  If(vCurrentSelections = 1, 'Hide Current Selections','Show Current Selections'))

Freakin' beautiful in its simplicity and utility.

Thank you very little.

* 'Crappy' is Dutch for 'makes DJ Mikey Fresh angry'

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