Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Invariably Ignored

Harold Ramis died this week. Most of you are saying to yourself, "Aw, that's sad... Now remind me who he is?"

Without Harold, modern society wouldn't be possible.

He wrote, directed, produced or starred in the most important films of all time. Caddyshack. Vacation. Year One. Animal House. Ghostbusters. Heavy Metal. Stripes.

Not to mention the most hated, most reviled, worst movie ever, Groundhog Day. I'm not kidding. Don't watch it. If you have watched it, forget it. Delete it from Wikipedia's Harold Ramis page. If you see it in the store, yell at the store manager and throw every copy in the trash. Then find Bill Murray and Zombieland his ass. Then do it all again. And again. And again.

Ignore it. Just like you need to ignore fields with your set analysis.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

No Dumb Buttons

Oh, this your button, huh? A lovely button. Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity.

Listen... do you smell something? Maybe that since my last post, Kill the Button, that I'm on a button jihad? Calm down... how about a Fresca? I'm just trying to get you to stop making crappy* stuff. But this isn't about that, because you already know how to make a button a 'link'. This is a technique I learned from a post by Steve Dark. When you're using your button (link) to show/hide the Current Selections, tell the user if there's nothing selected.

Step One - Read Kill the Button

Make your button (link) that shows and hides the Current Selection box.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kill the Button

A Priest, a Rabbi and Mormon Missionaries walk into a bar. The bartender says, 'Is this some kind of a joke?'

Half of you are giggling like school girls, half of you are waiting for the punchline, and the rest haven't read this post yet. Because if you have and you're smarter than the average bear, you'd know how funny that is! A simple joke for a simple folk...

Which brings me to one of my ongoing themes... Simplicity. Standard buttons in QlikView are not simple. They look like a blue NyQuil: